Using IPbus

From pCT
Revision as of 07:59, 22 June 2020 by Wac002 (talk | contribs)

Main Page -> Control & Readout Software Documentation and Howto's -> Using IPbus

Use case

IPbus is a control protocol that uses UDP/IP to send values into the registries on the readout unit (RU). The software on the host computer uses the Hardware Access Library (uHAL) to send the commands to the RU.

Configuration files

There is a main connection file (pRU-connections.xml), this file contains the address and port of the RU, for information on the content of the connection file please see the pRU Ethernet Configurations document.

Following there is a Module registers file (module-address.xml), this file contains a table with all the registries present in the RU.

Finally, there are files for each register

  • global_regs.xml
  • trigger_manager.xml
  • offload.xml
  • alpide_control.xml
  • alpide_data.xml

As of the writing of this page, these files can be found on the production_test repository in the ipbus branch under the BSP folder.

WARNING: To prevent undefined behavior the register files MUST match the firmware version!

Additonal information

For more information, please consult the IPbus wiki at: IPbus wiki