Getting Started PTB
Getting Started
1. Fetch changes from upstream repo
2. Checkout tag of your select release. See releases. This guide assumesPTB-v2.0.
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash"> $ git checkout PTB-v2.0 </syntaxhighlight>
3. Make sure repo is clean
4. Get pre-built bitstream.
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash"> $ make get_latest_bitstream TAG=PTB-v2.0 </syntaxhighlight>
5. Build embedded software
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash"> $ make sdk_gen_projects PRJ=PTB </syntaxhighlight>
6. (Optional) Open a new terminal window and start debugging stream. Shows messages from embedded system once programmed.
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash"> $ make serial </syntaxhighlight>
8. Generate bootloader and program flash
9. Restart PTB
The serial debug window should have something like the following output: