Digital Scan

From pCT
Revision as of 14:15, 24 January 2022 by Vei046 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Usage== The Digital Scan is used to evaluate the digital part of the ALPIDE Sensor. It checks the pixel-matrix for unmaskable pixels, unpulsable pixels and stuck pixels. O...")
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The Digital Scan is used to evaluate the digital part of the ALPIDE Sensor. It checks the pixel-matrix for unmaskable pixels, unpulsable pixels and stuck pixels. One trigger is sent per mask setting and the entire pixel matrix is tested in the procedure.

How To

To run the test navigate to the test folder

$ cd tests

$ python3 --board=BOARD --tctype=TCTYPE --chips=CHIPS

The test outputs a time-and-date.root file located in production_tests/results/

This file is automatically analyzed when you run the script. The analysis script is located in production_tests/plot/. The result and classification is provided in the terminal. The ALPIDE sensor can get GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE or NOK as a classification based on the result of the test.