Visualization Toolkit (VTK) Installation and usage
Main Page -> Documentation -> Visualization Toolkit (VTK) Installation and usage
Most packages are available in the package install systems, e.g. on Ubuntu `vtk6`, `vtk6-examples`, `libvtk6.2`, `libvtk6-dev`, `vtkdata`
Downloads are also available from the VTK home page.
Source code
The Gate github repository can be cloned like that
This will bring you to the master branch, tags can be checked out like this
git checkout v8.0.1
Make a build directory and execute in this directory `cmake <SOURCEDIR>`. Some interesting switches can be added with `-DSWITCH`
- `VTK_WRAP_TCL` wrapper code for TCL
- `VTK_WRAP_PYTHON` wrapper code for Python
- `VTK_FORBID_DOWNLOADS` skip downloading of test data
- `BUILD_EXAMPLES` set to `ON` if examples should be built
Example session
mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install -DVTK_WRAP_PYTHON=ON -DVTK_FORBID_DOWNLOADS=ON make install
Make sure that the `bin` and `lib` directories of the installation are part of `PATH` and `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` respectively, e.g.
export PATH=/the_installation_directory/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/the_installation_directory/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
TCL bindings
Start `vtk` and get the interactive prompt. Or run one script of the examples directly, e.g.
vtk Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Tcl/Cone.tcl
Python bindings
Set `PYTHONPATH` to enable Python to find the available modules
Run a script directly
python Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Python/
Interactive Python
Run either `python` or `ipython` without arguments to come to the prompt. `ipython` can be recommended for interactive sessions.
`ipython` keeps a nice history of the commands, try `history`, option `-g` displays also entries from previous sessions.
Example: run command sequence in interactive mode (simple copy & paste)
source = vtk.vtkPlaneSource() mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() mapper.SetInputConnection(source.GetOutputPort()) actor = vtk.vtkActor() actor.SetMapper(mapper) renderer = vtk.vtkRenderer() renderer.SetBackground(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) renderer.AddActor(actor) render_window = vtk.vtkRenderWindow() render_window.SetWindowName("Simple VTK scene") render_window.SetSize(400, 400) render_window.AddRenderer(renderer) # Create an interactor interactor = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor() interactor.SetRenderWindow(render_window) # Initialize the interactor and start the # rendering loop interactor.Initialize() render_window.Render() interactor.Start()