DTC optimization

From pCT

Geometry and segmentation optimization of the Digital Tracking Calorimeter

Optimization philosophy




The software for this project is Gate installation and the DTC toolkit. For a complete guide to use the software for optimization, see the page Software for design optimization.



All following values are given in units of Water Equivalent Thickness! (Except the absorber thicknesses)

How many layers are needed?

Pre-straggling resolution is the contribution to the total resolution from the detector smearing. This is calculable because we know the range straggling from Monte Carlo simulations, and the pre-straggling resolution is a subtraction in quadrature.

Material Thickness [math]\displaystyle{ t / \sqrt{12} }[/math] WEPL Resolution Excess straggling Pre-straggling resolution Layers for 230 MeV + [math]\displaystyle{ 5\sigma }[/math]
Al 2 mm 1.5 mm 4.16 mm 6.1% 1.38 mm 67
Al 3 mm 2.1 mm 4.26 mm 9.2% 1.69 mm 48
Al 4 mm 2.7 mm 4.35 mm 12.4% 1.97 mm 39
Al 5 mm 3.3 mm 4.50 mm 16.4% 2.28 mm 32
Al 6 mm 3.9 mm 4.70 mm 23.3% 2.73 mm 27
Al 7 mm 4.5 mm 4.76 mm 26.0% 2.78 mm 23
