Cluster convolution for GATE

From pCT
Revision as of 11:56, 1 April 2019 by Hpe090 (talk | contribs) (Added code to take edep arguments)
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In her MSc project, Silje Grimstad made a filtered library of the clusters from the summer beamtest in Heidelberg.

The result is ~15k Helium clusters stored as x/y arrays in a ROOT file included here.

x_mean y_mean size hit_array height width x_start y_start i_event combined
float float int list<int> int int int int int bool

A random sample of 9 clusters is shown below:

We want to convolute a GATE simulation with clusters from this library. For each hit in the MC data, we pick a random cluster from the library and draw it around the hit position. To do this, use the code at the bottom, with the following result:

Below is example code to perform the diffusion on-fly using a Hits container class with Hit objects (x,y,layer,edep,eventID). For more information about the implementation see GitHub.

#include <TTree.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TRandom3.h>
#include <list>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

void           makeSortedClusterDatabase();
Hits         * diffuseHits(TRandom3 * gRandom, Hits * singlePixelHits);

TTree        * CDB_treeCluster;
list<Int_t>  * CDB_hit_array = 0;
TBranch      * CDB_b_hit_array;
TTreeIndex   * CDB_index;
Int_t          CDB_clusterSize;
Double_t       CDB_x_mean, CDB_y_mean;
Int_t          CDB_sortIndex[50];
TFile        * CDB_fCluster; 

void makeSortedClusterDatabase() {
   // From GlobalConstants/MaterialConstants.C / .h

   Int_t lastClusterSize = -1;
   CDB_fCluster = new TFile("Data/ClusterSizes/ALPIDE/database_final.root", "READ");
   CDB_treeCluster = (TTree*) CDB_fCluster->Get("database");
   CDB_treeCluster->SetBranchAddress("size", &CDB_clusterSize);
   CDB_treeCluster->SetBranchAddress("x_mean", &CDB_x_mean);
   CDB_treeCluster->SetBranchAddress("y_mean", &CDB_y_mean);
   CDB_treeCluster->SetBranchAddress("hit_array", &CDB_hit_array, &CDB_b_hit_array);

   // Sort clusters based on cluster size
   for (int i=0; i<50; i++) CDB_sortIndex[i] = -1;
   CDB_index = (TTreeIndex*) CDB_treeCluster->GetTreeIndex();
   for (int i=0; i<CDB_index->GetN()-1; i++) {
      Long64_t local = CDB_treeCluster->LoadTree(CDB_index->GetIndex()[i]);
      if (lastClusterSize < 0 || lastClusterSize != CDB_clusterSize) {
         CDB_sortIndex[CDB_clusterSize] = i;
         lastClusterSize = CDB_clusterSize;

Hits * diffuseHits(TRandom3 *gRandom, Hits * singlePixelHits) {
   // From HelperTools/getTracks.C

   Int_t          nHits = singlePixelHits->GetEntriesFast();
   Hits         * diffusedHits = new Hits();
   Int_t          x, y, outX, outY, layer, cs, eventID, idx_x, binPos;
   Float_t        edep;
   Int_t          randomClusterIdx;

   for (Int_t h=0; h<nHits; h++) {
      x = singlePixelHits->getX(h);
      y = singlePixelHits->getY(h);
      layer = singlePixelHits->getLayer(h);
      edep = singlePixelHits->getEdep(h);
      eventID = singlePixelHits->getEventID(h);

      // The correspondence between CS and Edep [keV/um] is calculated from Ganesh's NIM A Proceedings article.
      cs = 4.2267 * pow(edep, 0.6500) + 0.5;
      // To keep any outliers within the tabulated clusters in the database
      if (cs<2) cs=2;
      if (cs>=27) cs=26;

      randomClusterIdx = gRandom->Integer(CDB_sortIndex[cs+1] - CDB_sortIndex[cs]) + CDB_sortIndex[cs];

      idx_x = 0;
      Int_t thisCS = 0;
      for (Int_t n : *CDB_hit_array) {
         for (Int_t binPosPow = 0; binPosPow < 10; binPosPow++) {
            binPos = pow(2, binPosPow);
            if (binPos & n) {
               outX = x + (idx_x - CDB_x_mean) + 0.5;
               outY = y + (binPosPow - CDB_y_mean) + 0.5;
               diffusedHits->appendPoint(outX, outY, layer, eventID, edep/CDB_clusterSize); 
   return diffusedHits;