Software structure
From pCT
This is a brainstorming document for the general software structure of the pCT project and the operation of the full pipeline.
General guidelines
- support multiple programming languages
- open for the programming tools best suited for a specific purpose and development group
- use common/open source packages where ever possible
- every component comes with a unit test
Some presentations in the course of discussion
- IntroToAutomaticDifferentiationWithCoDiPack Max Aehle 2021-03-22.pdf
- 2021-03-29_mrichter_pct-software-tasks.pdf
Software Modules
- Intro to Automatic Differentiation with CoDiPack, Max Aehle, 2021-03-22 Media:IntroToAutomaticDifferentiationWithCoDiPack_Max_Aehle_2021-03-22.pdf
Main data path
- Simulation
- Beam Simulation
- Phantom Simulation
- Detector Propagation
- Detector Response Simulation
- Readout Simulation
- Readout and Raw Data reconstruction
- pct-online
- Detector Reconstruction
- Most likely entrance step and hull algorithm needed for the single-sided setup
- Clustering and Tracking
- Phantom reconstruction
- Imaging
- Visualization
- Control
- Monitoring
Contact information of maintainers/experts for each software module
Build system and package management
Common software modules
Data model
- Bridge Design Pattern Media:Bridge_Design_Pattern.pdf