Software tutorial at IFT

From pCT
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Introduction and overview

This page is meant as a recipe for the software day at IFT, March 20 2017. We have decided that this should take place on Monday, March 20 between 09.00 am and 3.00 pm at the Department of Physics and Technology (our usual meeting room in the 5th floor).

There are certain steps you need to take prior to the meeting. We do not wish to loose time on installation and configuration of the software needed. Thus, it is imperative that you come with your laptops which already have the following installed and configured properly:

  1. ROOT installation
  2. Geant 4 installation
  3. Gate installation
  4. DTC Toolkit for reconstruction

Agenda for the day is as follows:

  1. An introduction to GATE macros, i.e. GATE input scripts
  2. Setting up a simple simulation geometry in GATE using a proton bencil beam and a water phantom
  3. Running short simulations
  4. Examination of the GATE-output files

We think that the above mentioned mini introduction to GATE should take no longer than 1 – 1.5 hours. Rest of the day, we will focus on a more in-depth review of the analysis code written by Helge P.

  1. Setting up a tracking calorimeter geometry in GATE
  2. Running short simulations with the detector geometry
  3. Using the results of the MC simulations, a short «hands-on» introduction to Helge P.’s analysis code written in the Root framework
  4. A review of all the different modules in the above mentioned analysis code

The final goals of the day will be:

  1. Setting up a GATE simulation of an example tracking calorimeter including geometry, material specifications and proton beam definition
  2. Being able to work with the GATE output files (identifying primary protons, secondary particles, calculating deposited dose etc…)
  3. Being able to run a complete analysis using the Root-analysis code written by Helge P.

As always, check the User guide and tutorial for the DTC Toolkit to find a Wiki-friendly guide.


Introduction to GATE macros

Setting up a sinple simulation geometry in GATE using a pencil beam and a water phantom

Running short simulations

Examination of the GATE output files

Review of the analysis code by Helge Pettersen

Setting up a tracking calorimeter geometry in GATE

Running short simulations with the detector geometry

"Hands on" to the analysis code

A review of the different modeuls in the code