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Wiki for the proton CT project
Documentation on how to install and use the involved software packages, the development workflow, etc.
List of publications from the project.
Workpackage Reports
- pCT-WP1-01-Rev2 Detector design specifications (Rev2: Added carrier board thickness recommendations)
- pCT-WP1-02-Rev3 Radiation environment and placement of electronics (Rev2: Updated results and assumptions, Rev3: Updated with 1-10cm results) (Please feel free to contact Jarle Rambo Sølie if there are any questions regarding the contents of this document.
- Kristian Austreim - MSc - 2015 - Proton computed tomography readout testing and detector design
- Ola Grøttvik - MSc - 2017 - Design of High-Speed Digital Readout System for Use in Proton Computed Tomography
- Håkon Schaug - MSc - Proton Beam Test Of A High Granularity Calorimeter For Proton Computed Tomography
- Even Hansen - MSc - Charge Diffusion Modelling for a Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor Detector with Application to Proton CT
- Helge Pettersen - PhD - 2018 - A Digital Tracking Calorimeter for Proton Computed Tomography
Journal Articles
- Pettersen, H.E.S., J. Alme, A. van den Brink, M. Chaar, D. Fehlker, I. Meric, O.H. Odland, et al. Proton Tracking in a High-Granularity Digital Tracking Calorimeter for Proton CT Purposes. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 860C, 51–61. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2017.02.007.
- Published manuscript: PDF
- Elsevier link: doi:10.1016/j.nima.2017.02.007
- arXiv link: arXiv:1611.02031
- Pettersen, H.E.S., Chaar, M., Meric, I., Odland, O.H., Sølie, J., Röhrich, D., n.d. Accuracy of parameterized proton range models; a comparison. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 144 (C): 295-297 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2017.08.02
- Published manuscript: PDF
- Elsevier link: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2017.08.028
- arXiv link: arXiv:1704.08854
In review
- J. Sølie, H. E. S. Pettersen, I. Meric, O. H. Odland, H. Helstrup and D. Röhrich: A comparison of longitudinal and lateral range for protons traversing complex media using GATE, MCNP6 and FLUKA Monte Carlo simulations. Submitted to Radiat. Phys. Chem. in conjunction with the IRRMA X conference.
- Preliminary manuscript: PDF
- arXiv link: arXiv:1708.00668
Under construction
- H. E. S. Pettersen, J. Sølie, I. Meric, D. Röhrich, O. H. Odland, etc.: Design optimization of a digital tracking calorimeter
- Preliminary manuscript: PDF
- This paper might be generalized somewhat for publication
Notes and slides from the project meetings
Slides from the project workshops
Sections for the different work packages
Contact info of involved people
Link collection of topics regarding the project
Getting started
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